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Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Leave Debt, Forever by Nicholas L. Maze

Born in Flint, Michigan, Nicholas L. Maze attended Baker College, where he earned his degree in Business Administration with a focus in Accounting and Marketing. With a knack for advertising and excelling in math, Nicholas seemed destined for a productive career in business. Instead, there would be another gift that would prove to be more dominant and rewarding.
In the summer of 1999, while still in college, Nicholas found a job with a nation-wide security organization. His initial plans were to work his job, until he finished college. But it was his stint with the security organization that would lead to a rebirth of his passion for writing. As a child, being driven by a strong imagination, Nicholas would write stories to past time. It was during his composition courses in college that Nicholas realized that his gift was still intact. His writing craft received praise from his colleagues and instructors. With substantial amount of free time on the job, Nicholas found himself writing more and more. He started by writing poetry and composing songs, during his free time on the job. It was at this same time that Nicholas began managing a small rap group, which allowed him to hone his writing skills even more. Nicholas began composing songs for his rap group and him. In 2004, Nicholas began to write his first published work. With ample amount of time and a number of ideas, Nicholas began to write. In order to compose a successful work, Nicholas had to make himself the reader. Nicholas placed himself in the passenger seat and let his imagination go to work.
As Nicholas was completing his book, he renewed his relationship with GOD and acquired a second job. Two jobs and attending college full-time, forced Nicholas to put his writing on hold. Once Nicholas completed his first degree in Marketing, he was able to focus on his unfinished work and complete his book in 2007. From there, Nicholas began to send out query letters for his book. After no success, Nicholas placed his book on the shelf and returned to school. In 2009, Nicholas received a prophecy on his writing gift and immediately began shopping his book around. “I instantly thought of my finished work and began sending out query letters. Within two months, I received a publishing deal.” Now, Nicholas is fine-tuning himself for a long, successful career as an author. His first love.
 What 12+ years of schooling never provided is located within this amazing literature. From basic instructions on saving to the reason for America’s current financial dilemma, we receive great advice in the world of finance. People across the globe are crying for relief that will never come. In EXIT, we learn that financial strain is planned and orchestrated. The more America suffers financially, the more successful certain individuals become. How do we eliminate a problem that has been in place for almost 100 years? We first learn how to exit, escape.
Title: Exit: How to Leave Debt Forever
Genre – Financial/Self Help/Non-Fiction
Publisher – Pearle Pages Publishing
Release Date – February 21, 2012
Format – Ebook & Print

Purchase Links -


Introduction: Mental Restraint
Nicholas L. Maze
As I was driving down the street one day, I became conscious
of the world’s condition. Contrary to what you would think, it
wasn’t the abandon houses I drove by; it wasn’t the cracked
pavement, or homeless people that seem to be in unison. It
was the children. GOD gave me the understanding that a
child is nothing but an adult that is trapped.  In their minds,
they live in an orchestrated fantasy world. Their world is
orchestrated by other children that have aged over time and
learned to be adults. The older children (adults) determine
what the younger children wear, eat, and drink. And for the
most part, a child is okay with the control. For most children,
it is all they know. They live in a mental fantasy world,
because their knowledge is limited.

Limited knowledge brings forth the purpose of school. A
school should strengthen a child’s mind, because one day
that child will have control of other children and he/she
should be mentally prepared and able to take on that task.
This is what separates a child from an adult, knowledge. And,
this is also what hinders are society…knowledge. Knowledge
is the key ingredient in this book. My main goal is to educate
many and erase the “get rich quick” mentality. The term get
rich quick was created for those that lacked knowledge,
because they knew that without intelligence, an individual
would fall for anything. Getting rich quick is a scheme. And, if
I sell you a book that is nothing but a scheme, I have not only
cheated you out your money, but I have also helped you go
deeper in debt.

A lot of us have aged in features. Some of us, our hair is
graying, while others have gone completely white. Even with
physical changes, mentally we could still be trapped. Our lack
of knowledge can keep us at the same mental stage we were
at as 8 and 9 year olds. This observation exposed to me the
purpose of this literature. Our lack of knowledge is constantly
putting this world deeper in financial strife. So many people
do not understand the financial system and remain limited
and under someone else’s control.

This book was written to strengthen your knowledge.
Regardless of your age, you can be freed from this mental
bondage. This one book is not the answer to all your
problems, but it has been composed to be the “push” that so
many of us need during these trying times. As you begin to
read and take in this information, pray. Pray for
understanding. Pray for mental strength. Pray and ask that
the bondage be removed. After you pray, remember that
prayer is not the only requirement. You have to take action,
move forward. This book is your push to help you make that
move. Take in the knowledge from this book and put it to

As I think back on that day, I noticed the children were on the
playground at their school. I could hear laughter and see
children playing with one another. Although the community
was dying and the living conditions were getting worse, they
found joy. They found joy with one another. They found joy,
because mentally they were limited. They couldn’t
understand the dying community, the abandon homes, and
the increasing murder rate. Mentally, they were trapped.
They were happy with having someone control their life and
made the best of what they were given. Not knowing that
someday their bodies will age, that strength would weaken,
that hair would gray, and that their minds will remain
trapped. They will inherit debt that they have no knowledge
of. And although they may live to be one-hundred, mentally
they will be that same child I observed on that day. Never
being properly taught and forever being controlled.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Guest Blog/I Believe by New York Times bestselling author Eldon Taylor

Join the launch party for I Believe: When What You Believe Matters!
Hundreds of bonus gifts will be given away to everyone who participates. Plus, enter to win grand prizes worth over $5K from personalities such as Lindsay Wagner (Bionic Woman), James Van Praagh, Bob Doyle, Hay House, InnerTalk, Norman Shealy and Caroline Sutherland. For more information, visit http://progressiveawarenesspromotions.com/it/12c/indexB.html

Q. Why did you write I Believe?
I have spent over thirty years investigating why people self-sabotage or limit themselves, thus experiencing so much less than their highest best!  What I have found is the reason rests solely in their beliefs—not their spiritual belief so much as their life beliefs.  I found this to be true when I was conducting lie detection tests and discovering criminality, and equally true when I worked with elite athletes, business executives, professionals and lay people alike.  The bottom line is this: What you believe always matters!  It’s like a web that fastens itself to belief-anchors, causing disheartening mediocrity in place of the glorious success we all seek.

I Believe spells out the power of belief and how it influences everything from our health and longevity to our success with relationships and life.  Astounding as it may seem, belief can (and has) defied our so-called laws of science and it has done so over and over again. As ordinary and trite as it may seem, belief nevertheless makes all the difference in success in all walks of life.  Knowing how we acquire our beliefs, and which beliefs serve us while others sabotage us, is critical to maximizing our individual potential.  I Believe: When What You Believe Matters! was written  to empower you with the roadmap to decipher and re-write the programming governing your life.

Trying, Losing and Persisting

You never lose unless you quit. Vince Lombardi is often quoted as saying, “The difference between winning and losing is quitting.” There are thousands of stories about people who failed miserably time after time before finally achieving their goals. They succeeded because they never quit. 

Knowing your own limitations is different from quitting, which is a mental state. You may see a ballplayer walking off the field, but long before taking this action, his mind set sail through all the possibilities, reasons, and rationalizations for giving up. He may have even rehearsed the event—to try it on, so to speak—before the actual action. So as I said, it’s first a mental action, like my son’s strikeout.

There are people I’ve worked with in the past who persist at quitting. They’re not aware that they’re giving up, per se, any more than my son was aware that he’d surrendered to striking out before the first pitch was thrown. 

Becoming aware of this tendency in ourselves is the only way we can end these self-destructive, self-sabotaging patterns. Persisting should be all about allowing our efforts to become better and better. We persevere at practice—reinforcing our improvement instead of mentally rehearsing our failure expectation. As Marilyn vos Savant is credited with saying, “Being defeated is only a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent.”


I believe that inside every human being is a winner. Each and every one of us possesses a unique ability—a talent, if you will—and chief among all of our abilities is the one called “Doing our very best.” I believe that this ability is what makes us champions.
I remember being confused as a young man about such statements as “All men are created equal.” It doesn’t take an Einstein to see how untrue this statement is—or is it? I tell a story on myself in my book Choices and Illusions, in which I made just this inquiry. It seems appropriate here to share what I learned. 

Imagine a rocket scientist who, after much work, launches an interstellar voyager. Imagine the pride he feels in the accomplishment. Now imagine a so-called menial laborer. On his hands and knees for endless hours, he scrubs and polishes a floor. He has worked so hard and with so much pride that he has scrubbed his knuckles raw. Now he stands back and beholds his labors. The floor absolutely glistens—every square inch of it. It never looked that good even when it was new. Now . . . which man senses the most pride, the rocket scientist or the floor scrubber?2
Even at a young age, I understood that feeling. The fact is that when you do your utmost, you enjoy the same state of specialness, the same ecstatic feeling, the same sense of purpose and pleasure as anyone else, regardless of the act (launching rockets or scrubbing floors).

I believe there are no real losers because in the end, you cannot escape yourself. You—both here and in the hereafter—will learn to persevere, and in time you’ll turn the act of trying or the pattern of losing into winning because that’s who you ultimately are! You’ll acquire the habit of applying your best to all that you do, and as the rocket scientist–floor scrubber story illustrates, that means you’ll always come out ahead. You were created a winner, and a winner you were meant to be. Believing in yourself makes winning happen, so the only question is what you’re going to do to reinforce a strong, vital faith in yourself—for what you believe always matters!

Always remember the following analogy from Alfred Adler. It’s one of my favorites, and it will help you remember to believe in yourself along the way, even when you feel you’re drowning.
What do you first do when you learn to swim? You make mistakes, do you not? And what happens? You make other mistakes, and when you have made all the mistakes you possibly can without drowning—and some of them many times over—what do you find? That you can swim? Well—life is just the same as learning to swim! Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!3

The only way you lose is by quitting. Failure becomes permanent only when you give up. When you visualize quitting, you’re rehearsing the event. Can you think of examples from your own life when you were so convinced you’d be unsuccessful that you never even tried? Isn’t this often the most basic frustration that people have during a midlife crisis? Do you dare to look again at those dreams you once had and discarded—and to try again, this time with persistence, determination, and tenacity?

For information on the book launch, please visit http://progressiveawarenesspromotions.com/it/12c/indexB.html

About Eldon Taylor

Eldon Taylor is an award-winning, New York Times best-selling author of more than 300 books, audio, and video programs. He’s the inventor of the patented InnerTalk technology and the founder and president of Progressive Awareness Research. He has been called a “master of the mind” and has appeared as an expert witness on both hypnosis and subliminal communication.
Eldon was a practicing criminalist conducting investigations and lie-detection examinations for many years. He is listed in more than a dozen Who’s Who publications, including Who’s Who of Intellectuals and Who’s Who in Science and Engineering. He is a fellow in the American Psychotherapy Association and an internationally sought-after speaker. His books and audio-video materials have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have sold millions worldwide. 

Eldon is the host of the popular radio show Provocative Enlightenment. He has interviewed some of the most interesting people on the planet. His shows are thought-provoking and always fresh in both their perspective and the exchange.

Monday, March 5, 2012


It has been a while since I last wrote a blog. Why? Because sometimes life happens. I had some big changes in my personal life and needed time to get things back in order. Now I am back and will bringing you more guest bloggers and reviews. Oh while I was away I did still manage to post reviews on Amazon.

I will be adding a full review of Unforgivable by Lisa Wooten. I just finished and it was awesome!